Mike's Take On the Movies

Rediscovering Cinema's Past

Tag: Telly Savalas

25 Posts

Ken's Alternate Universe!

Geeking Out About Everything!

Once upon a screen...

...a classic film and TV blog

The Magnificent 60s

by Brian Hannan

Scenic Writer's Shack

There's First Love... and there's Writer Love

Lazarus' Lair

NOT Just another WordPress.com weblog


Smashing System Bias Since 1972...

Movies ala Mark

With a Cast of Thousands

Just Hit Play

The Good, the Bad and sometimes Ugly in film

Strother Martin Film Project

What we've got here is failure to communicate

Sophia Riley Kobacker

it's all about the story, possums...

Wolfmans Cult Film

Cult, B-Movies, cheesy fun films to Film Noir to classics new to me.

cinema cities

a personal odyssey through film

Mark David Welsh

Feeding Soda Pop to the Thirsty Pigs since 2013

Film Speech

All things film and television

Diary of A Movie Maniac

A Personal Journey Through Cinema & Television


My perspective on life & Classic Movie Recommendations

Statis Pro 1978 Replay

Methodically replaying every game of the 1978 baseball season!

4 Star Films

Looking Deeper at The Best Classic Movies Together


Movies, Television, Books....Everything Noir

Chaplin-Keaton-Lloyd film locations (and more)

by John Bengtson "the great detective of silent film locations" New York Times

Sister Celluloid

Where old movies go to live


Uncovering the silent era


The annex to John Grant's *A Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Film Noir*

Cinema Monolith

Reviews of movies from my giant DVD tower, and more.

Film History

Telling the story of film

The Bogie Film Blog

A Film by Film Affair with Humphrey Bogart

Vienna's Classic Hollywood

Vintage Hollywood films and stars


Reaching three-quarters of a million views in March 2024, 325,000+ new readers since 2023...


. . where the worlds of film noir and pre-code collide . .

Alfred Hitchcock Master

Where Suspense Lives!

Tipping My Fedora

Enjoying mystery, crime and suspense in all media

Silver Screenings

Ruth's Old Movie Reviews


They Don't Make 'Em Like They Used To

Comet Over Hollywood

Home for classic movie lovers


classic movie views for the classic and not-so-classic movie fan

Riding the High Country

Reviews and ramblings